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Gas mileage usually peaks at a rate of 40-55 miles (64-89 km/h) while utilizing your automobiles top equipment. It can vary between automobiles based on the gearing, engine, drag and weight, but following 60 miles it declines appreciably. Research by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory comparing 74 vehicles' gas market at rates of 50, 60, 70 and 80 mph shows each 10 mph past 50 mph reduces fuel economy. More simply put, from 50 to 60 mph fuel market drops by 12 percent, from 50 to 70 mph it drops by 25%, and from 50 to 80 mph it falls by 36%. If you are a Small lead foot in the highway, slowing down will improve your fuel economy substantially. Obviously you can go as slow as is safe, but cutting just 10 mph can pay dividends that are large and will make your smoother too.